Module Citrus

  1. lib/citrus.rb

Citrus is a compact and powerful parsing library for Ruby that combines the elegance and expressiveness of the language with the simplicity and power of parsing expressions.


public class

  1. cache
  2. eval
  3. load
  4. require
  5. rule


DOT = /./mu   A pattern to match any character, including newline.
Infinity = 1.0 / 0
CLOSE = -1

Public class methods

cache ()

Returns a map of paths of files that have been loaded via load to the result of eval on the code in that file.

Note: These paths are not absolute unless you pass an absolute path to load. That means that if you change the working directory and try to require the same file with a different relative path, it will be loaded twice.

[show source]
    # File lib/citrus.rb, line 29
29:   def self.cache
30:     @cache ||= {}
31:   end
eval (code, options={})

Evaluates the given Citrus parsing expression grammar code and returns an array of any grammar modules that are created. Accepts the same options as GrammarMethods#parse.

grammar MyGrammar
  rule abc
# => [MyGrammar]
[show source]
    # File lib/citrus.rb, line 46
46:   def self.eval(code, options={})
47:     File.parse(code, options).value
48:   end
load (file, options={})

Loads the grammar(s) from the given file. Accepts the same options as eval, plus the following:

force:Normally this method will not reload a file that is already in the cache. However, if this option is true the file will be loaded, regardless of whether or not it is in the cache. Defaults to false.
# => [MyGrammar]
[show source]
    # File lib/citrus.rb, line 71
71:   def self.load(file, options={})
72:     file += '.citrus' unless /\.citrus$/ === file
73:     force = options.delete(:force)
75:     if force || !cache[file]
76:       begin
77:         cache[file] = eval(, options)
78:       rescue SyntaxError => e
79:         e.message.replace("#{::File.expand_path(file)}: #{e.message}")
80:         raise e
81:       end
82:     end
84:     cache[file]
85:   end
require (file, options={})

Searches the $LOAD_PATH for a file with the .citrus suffix and attempts to load it via load. Returns the path to the file that was loaded on success, nil on failure. Accepts the same options as load.

path = Citrus.require('mygrammar')
# => "/path/to/mygrammar.citrus"
# => [MyGrammar]
[show source]
     # File lib/citrus.rb, line 96
 96:   def self.require(file, options={})
 97:     file += '.citrus' unless /\.citrus$/ === file
 98:     found = nil
100:     paths = ['']
101:     paths += $LOAD_PATH unless
102:     paths.each do |path|
103:       found = Dir[::File.join(path, file)].first
104:       break if found
105:     end
107:     if found
108:       Citrus.load(found, options)
109:     else
110:       raise LoadError, "Cannot find file #{file}"
111:     end
113:     found
114:   end
rule (expr, options={})

Evaluates the given expression and creates a new Rule object from it. Accepts the same options as eval.

Citrus.rule('"a" | "b"')
# => #<Citrus::Rule: ... >
[show source]
    # File lib/citrus.rb, line 56
56:   def self.rule(expr, options={})
57:     eval(expr, options.merge(:root => :expression))
58:   end