Class Citrus::Input

  1. lib/citrus.rb
Parent: StringScanner

An Input is a scanner that is responsible for executing rules at different positions in the input string and persisting event streams.


public class

  1. new

public instance

  1. exec
  2. line
  3. line_index
  4. line_number
  5. line_offset
  6. lineno
  7. lines
  8. memoized?
  9. test

External Aliases

string -> to_str
  Returns the scanned string.


max_offset [R] The maximum offset in the input that was successfully parsed.
source [R] The initial source passed at construction. Typically a String or a Pathname.

Public class methods

new (source)
[show source]
     # File lib/citrus.rb, line 173
173:     def initialize(source)
174:       super(source_text(source))
175:       @source = source
176:       @max_offset = 0
177:     end

Public instance methods

exec (rule, events=[])

Returns an array of events for the given rule at the current pointer position. Objects in this array may be one of three types: a Rule, Citrus::CLOSE, or a length (integer).

[show source]
     # File lib/citrus.rb, line 246
246:     def exec(rule, events=[])
247:       position = pos
248:       index = events.size
250:       if apply_rule(rule, position, events).size > index
251:         @max_offset = pos if pos > @max_offset
252:       else
253:         self.pos = position
254:       end
256:       events
257:     end
line (pos=pos)

Returns the text of the line that contains the character at the given pos. pos defaults to the current pointer position.

[show source]
     # File lib/citrus.rb, line 234
234:     def line(pos=pos)
235:       lines[line_index(pos)]
236:     end
line_index (pos=pos)

Returns the 0-based number of the line that contains the character at the given pos. pos defaults to the current pointer position.

[show source]
     # File lib/citrus.rb, line 214
214:     def line_index(pos=pos)
215:       p = n = 0
216:       string.each_line do |line|
217:         p += line.length
218:         return n if p >= pos
219:         n += 1
220:       end
221:       0
222:     end
line_number (pos=pos)

Returns the 1-based number of the line that contains the character at the given pos. pos defaults to the current pointer position.

[show source]
     # File lib/citrus.rb, line 226
226:     def line_number(pos=pos)
227:       line_index(pos) + 1
228:     end
line_offset (pos=pos)

Returns the 0-based offset of the given pos in the input on the line on which it is found. pos defaults to the current pointer position.

[show source]
     # File lib/citrus.rb, line 202
202:     def line_offset(pos=pos)
203:       p = 0
204:       string.each_line do |line|
205:         len = line.length
206:         return (pos - p) if p + len >= pos
207:         p += len
208:       end
209:       0
210:     end
lineno (pos=pos)
lines ()

Returns an array containing the lines of text in the input.

[show source]
     # File lib/citrus.rb, line 192
192:     def lines
193:       if string.respond_to?(:lines)
194:         string.lines.to_a
195:       else
196:         string.to_a
197:       end
198:     end
memoized? ()

Returns true when using memoization to cache match results.

[show source]
     # File lib/citrus.rb, line 239
239:     def memoized?
240:       false
241:     end
test (rule)

Returns the length of a match for the given rule at the current pointer position, nil if none can be made.

[show source]
     # File lib/citrus.rb, line 261
261:     def test(rule)
262:       position = pos
263:       events = apply_rule(rule, position, [])
264:       self.pos = position
265:       events[-1]
266:     end